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Excited for upcoming months! Badings Belicht will be premièred! A concert serie with an adventurous programme. Happy to organize and perform together with the amazing Kardelen Buruk Duo Siekman-Wieringa in recital with fabulous Jobine SiekmanWorkshop of @muziekfantastiek, in collaboration with IVN Natuureducatie and an internship student of mine from Codarts. @damien_heemskerk is doing wonderful work with it. Looking forward to be back Pianowandeling Edam, with a solo recital and a recital with two young talent students of mine Codarts Lyceum Premièring two works of composer, former teacher and Codarts-colleague: Oscar van Dillen! One work for viola, piano and electronics will be premièred during our concert serie in The Hague 19th of May. The other work for piano solo will be premièred during the Dag van de Componist in Rotterdam 15th of June.And my students will perform as well! My ensembles will play in a chamber music concert and my piano students will perform a nice piano class concert later in June. Codarts Lyceum Keep an eye on my website for the latest updates. ✨May 11th - PIJNACKERWorkshop @muziekfantastiek with @damien_heemskerk IVN Natuureducatie ✨May 16th - VOORBURG Recital with Jobine Siekman, Ode aan Pau Casals✨May 19th - DEN HAAGRecital with Kardelen Buruk, Badings Belicht PREMIÈRE ✨May 23rd - DELFTRecital with Kardelen Buruk, Badings Belicht ✨May 24th - AMSTERDAMRecital with Kardelen Buruk, Badings Belicht ✨May 26th - EDAMPianowandeling Edam, Codarts Lyceum ✨May 30th - ROTTERDAMRecital with Kardelen Buruk, Badings Belicht ✨June 2nd - DEN HAAGRecital with Kardelen Buruk, Badings Belicht ✨June 15th - ROTTERDAMDag van de componist, PREMIÈRE✨ June 22nd - ROTTERDAMHet Wijkpaleis✨June 23rd - ROTTERDAMCodarts Lyceum, chamber music concert✨June 29th - DELFTCodarts Lyceum, piano class concertPhoto credit: Jan Fotograaf#Concerts #concertagenda #pianist #classical #composer #Première #WorldPremière #dutchcomposers #commission #teacher #pianoteacher #youngtalent #chambermusic #duo #piano #viola #cello #pianosolo #concertserie #tickets
Some impressions of our last concerts in Zandvoort and Delft, with the fabulous @cellobinThe audience was absolutely wonderful to meet! ✨According to yesterday's local paper in Zandvoort: “A pair of virtuoso musicians who were both completely absorbed in the music and their instrument, […] Soloistic and dual simplicity, but with orchestral allure and celestial harmony. Three bravos!” Thank you Zandvoort and Delft! 😊@zandvoortsecourant @rietveldtheater #cellopiano #classicalmusic #concerts #zandvoort #delft #netherlands #pianist #cellist #recensie #reviews #steinwaypianist #casals #catalonia #bach #röntgen